interloop: INTERLUNAR x Learning Loop - Startup Founders' Dinner Series (pt. 1)

Get ready to kick off an unforgettable evening with interloop: INTERLUNAR x Learning Loop - Dinner Series (pt. 1)! On August 1, 2024, at 7PM, we're bringing together the brightest minds in Singapore's startup scene for an exclusive dinner that promises to be as inspiring as it is delicious.

​Hosted by interloop, this event is all about connecting, sharing, and celebrating the entrepreneurial spirit that drives us all. Whether you're a seasoned founder or just starting your journey, this is your chance to mingle with like-minded innovators, exchange ideas, and maybe even spark the next big collaboration.

​The exact location is still under wraps, but rest assured, it will be a spot that perfectly complements the vibrant energy of our community. We'll reveal the address soon, so keep an eye out for updates. Trust us, you won't want to miss this!

​Expect an evening filled with engaging conversations, mouth-watering food, and a few surprises along the way. This dinner is a celebration of our collective passion for innovation and growth. So, bring your appetite for both food and knowledge and get ready for a night of networking and fun!

Collaborate with us

Get in touch or schedule a coffee with our Editor, if you’d like to be featured in our next issue or have any comments or inquiries!